

The remaining balance of camp needs to be paid two weeks prior to attending camp. You may pay using your online account, in person, or by mail.

Make checks payable to: YMCA of the Northern Sky (please include child’s name, camp, and camp session in the memo)

If you would like to put money in your camper’s store account, you may do this at either YMCA location or at your camper’s check-in via check or cash.

Mail to:
YMCA of the Northern Sky
400 1st Avenue S.
Fargo, ND 58103
Attn: Camp Cormorant

Financial Assistance

We are happy to offer financial assistance so that everyone can participate in summer camp, regardless of their ability to pay.

If you would like to apply for financial assistance, please complete the following steps:

1. Register for a camp.
2. Pay the camp deposit.
3. Complete and submit the financial assistance form.

Please submit your completed camp registration form and scholarship form at one time. Do not mail separately. Funds will be dispersed on a first come, first serve basis. It is within your best interest to submit this application as soon as possible. Any application not fulfilling the steps may not be considered for scholarship. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dee at 701.364.4130.

Financial Assistance Form