Mina Z


Mina Zaudtke has a servant’s heart. She comes to the Fercho YMCA early every weekday morning prior to her 8am workout in order to organize the tables, chairs and coffee items in the Social Center. She starts the coffee pots and tidily places out the cups and napkins in preparation for when her and her friends make their way upstairs after their workouts around 9:15am. At that time, they are famished from their exercise routines and ready for conversation and coffee, lovingly prepared by Mina. Occasionally, someone pulls out a container of homemade rhubarb muffins, banana bread or other post-workout treat to pass around. It’s a good time full of chatter, sharing of recipes and healthy living tips, and lots of laughter.

Mina first joined the Y nearly 14 years ago. She was looking for a place of fellowship and found that the Y was not only a place for conversations among acquaintances, but a place to build true friendships and a support network. “There has always been a coffee group – even back when I first joined the Y.” says Mina “Some of the first friends I made here still come every day, like Gretchen, Jeannette, Kathy, Bea, and others!” She describes the group as a family, and that they are always open and welcoming to newcomers! “I bet we’re the happiest and most fun group in the Y,” she says.” “We have fun together and support each other when we go through illnesses and tough times.”

Three days a week Mina attends the Hydro-Training aquatics class in the Small Pool and two days a week she walks laps, lifts weights and stretches in the Fitness Center. No matter what her workout for the day is, she takes her role seriously as the Y’s ‘Head Coffee Volunteer’ – as she has been coined by Y staff – a role that she has slowly evolved into over the last few years. We are grateful to have Mina at our Y. She brings such a positive presence through our doors every day – and makes sure the coffee pot is always on!

Stories & Spotlights