

“Both my son and daughter attend YMCA child care programming – my son in a school age program and my daughter in an early learning program. When the uncertainty of COVID-19 began to grip our community, the YMCA stepped up. The board, coordinators, and staff worked together to give those who are serving our community a safe place for our children to go.

But YMCA child care programs are so much more than daycare. The staff and team play an integral part in building and forming what our children will become as adults. We have seen growth from both of our children that shows in their self-confidence, how they interact with others on a social level, and the smiles on their faces as they talk about their day.

At the YMCA, there are so many roles to play from the board, to the director, support staff, coordinators, and staff members. And without one of these the rest would fall. But what truly makes my heart full, is hearing from my children how their classroom staff member absolutely made their day. With bright eyes and the biggest smile, my daughter tells me about an egg hunt that was set up by her classroom teacher. Or seeing a video of her and her class drinking green milk and looking for the leprechaun. My son telling me all about how he built a robot and what he put on it to make it really fast. During these uncertain times, when watching the news will make anyone depressed, it’s the light that shows forth from our children that their staff members have given them that tells me that everything will be okay.

To the entire team at the YMCA, and most especially those team members that are with our children every day, THANK YOU! You truly have made a difference and most undoubtedly will continue to do so. We are all so lucky to have you as not only our children’s teachers, but a part of our family.”

– AJ Sitzer, YMCA Child Care Parent

If you would like to help make this program possible for families in our community, please visit our giving page.

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