Jak and Alex


Jak (11) and Alex (9) have been through a lot together. But this past summer, YMCA donors gave this duo the gift of “The Most Amazing Week Ever” (their words, not ours). In August, the brothers attended Camp Cormorant, the Y’s overnight camp near Lake Park, MN, and they forgot their worries and stresses. From catching frogs to dancing to “Cotton-eye-Joe”, the boys were thrilled with all of the new opportunities.

“One reason Camp Cormorant is so nice is that campers come from all walks of life,” said Lynn, Jak and Alex’s foster mom. “Some have been taken away from their families and others are dealing with different obstacles. Camp helps take their mind off of things going on in their life so they get to escape from reality for a week.”

Camp Cormorant is such an incredible place for youth, like Jak and Alex, to grow in areas of self-esteem, responsibility, communication, and independence. It provides just the right setting to encourage a camper’s spiritual, mental, and physical growth. The boys’ days were filled with swimming in the lake, playing in the Gaga Pit, making crafts, playing ball, and eating all of their favorite camp foods, like tacos and pancake wraps. Alex said they even had opportunities to try some things for the first time, like ziplining, shooting a bow, and scaling an iceberg rock wall on the lake. Most importantly, the two brothers had the opportunity to just be kids.

Jak and Alex beam every time they dive into another memory and share another story. “Every kid should go to camp and not be afraid to try new things, because they just might like it,” said Jak. “We are so grateful to the donors that give to Camp Cormorant,” said Lynn. “They are truly changing a child’s life forever, and are investing in their future.”

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