Photo of man teaching swimming lessons to 2 kids in 1980s

Fall, how did that happen? Did you notice the temperature swings at night?  Looking forward to warm days, cooler nights, and open windows. The kids are back to school and life at the Y continues to move forward.

Like most large companies, we use a computer system to track employees and their time while they work. I had to jump into the system for some reason or another this week and next to my picture it showed that I have worked for the YMCA for 39 years and five days. I remember filling out handwritten timesheets, being paid once a month, and having to call someone in HR anytime I needed an answer to something (by the way, my HR team is laughing right now because they are saying, “Nothing has changed!”) Back then, I taught swimming lessons- in fact, the photo above is me teaching lessons to kids who are now grown adults.

While having worked that long for this great organization, I still feel like it is day one. Let me explain.

This last year has been a year of firsts for me. We have gone through a merger. The first time that I have been part of something that large. We are going through a brand change with a new name. Another first.  We were approached about participating in a project in Bemidji, MN. That is another one. We built our first building in Fargo since 1998 this summer when we opened our new early learning center near Scheels Arena. Yep, that’s another first.

And today is no different.

Tonight, we will close our facilities early to honor our staff at our annual recognition event. The CARE Committee, our staff leadership team who leads our celebrating achievements and recognizing excellence efforts for our nearly 1,000 employees, has worked hard to make sure that our employees who are celebrating 5 years up to 30 years of service are recognized for their commitment to our community and the craft that they each provide our members and families. I love this event. I think it has an energy all its own. 

But, as we sit down tonight to break bread together and recognize these individuals, we also remind ourselves that this is still day one. Every day brings new challenges, new opportunities, and new ways to serve our community. We take this moment to look backward to honor these years but we look forward to see what we can do in the future. For all of our talented and engaged staff, whether part-time or full-time, in a leadership role with the organization or providing frontline services, caring for kids or caring for seniors, cleaning our facilities or providing a high-energy camp experience -- our next opportunity is to serve and change our community for the better.  We have to look at today as Day One. 

After 39 years and 5 days, I am ready for Day One!  Since 1886, our YMCA has been ready for Day One!  I hope you are as well.

See you at the Y!

Steve Smith, President and CEO

Posted on: September 6, 2024

Category: President's Blog
Stories & Spotlights