March 1 - 31
Fercho YMCA  |  Fergus Falls YMCA  |  Schlossman YMCA
Distances: Full IRONMAN  |  Half IRONMAN  |  Olympic Triathlon  |  Sprint Triathlon

The LazyMan IronMan is a triathlon challenge created for everyone! Participants will have the opportunity to complete a Full or Half IRONMAN by swimming, biking, and running their way to the finish line at their own pace and in their own time. 

New This Year:

  • Olympic and Sprint Distances, plus 3-PersonTeams!
  • Welcome Fergus Falls YMCA!
  • Enjoy a flexible format, multiple distance options, and team challenges.
  • Don't like to swim? Substitute rowing instead for a "dry" challenge option!

Track your mileage in the YMCA360 app. The app will allow you to track your workouts and see an up-to-date leaderboard of who is currently in the top positions. Group fitness classes may count toward mileage.

Only those who participate in the Full IRONMAN, Half IRONMAN or Team qualify for prizes and the Grand Prize, an Apple Watch!

  • Members: $40/person

  • Non-Members: $60/person

  • 3-Person Team: $90 ($30/team member, 3 people/team)

Register here for Fercho and Schlossman YMCAs:

Register -Fargo Area Individual     Register - Fargo Area Team

Register here for Fergus Falls YMCA:

Register - Fergus Falls Individual     Register - Fergus Falls Team

Participants will receive:

  • Coupons for two $5 InBody Scans
    • You may schedule scans at any time at the Member Services Desks, but we encourage you to schedule a scan at the beginning of the challenge and at the end of the challenge to see how far you've come!
  • Commemorative participation t-shirt
  • Opportunities to win prizes, like personal training sessions, gift cards, swag or the Grand Prize: Apple Watch! (Full and Half Ironman participants only)
  • Weekly emails with triathlon tips, updates on the competition boards, and prize winners

What are the distances?

Swimming Full IRONMAN
= 2.4 miles
= 1.2 miles
Olympic Tri
=0.93 miles
Sprint Tri
=0.5 miles
Biking Full IRONMAN
= 112 miles
= 56 miles
Olympic Tri
=25 miles
Sprint Tri
= 12.5 miles
Running Full IRONMAN
= 26.2 miles
= 13.1 miles
Olympic Tri
= 6.2 miles
Sprint Tri
= 3.1 miles


What counts toward mileage?

  • 9 laps / 18 lengths in the YMCA Lap Pool = 1/4 mile
  • 45-60 min. water exercise class = 1/4 mile
  • NEW THIS YEAR, replace swimming with rowing!
  • Dry Rowing Distances:
    • Full IRONMAN = 20000 meters (12 miles)
    • Half IRONMAN = 12800 meters (8 miles)
    • Olympic Tri = 6400 meters (4 miles)
    • Sprint Tri = 3200 meters (2 miles)
  • 1 mile on outdoor/stationary bike (including miles logged in a cycle class) = 1 mile

Track Your Mileage