YMCA Membership Types & Rates

The YMCA offers a variety of membership types for all ages, including singles, seniors, families, youth, and more! Learn more about our membership types and rates below.



Ages: 9 - 17
Regular Monthly Rate: $40
Regular Annual Rate: $480
Enrollment Fee: $0

Young Adult

Ages: 18 - 29
Regular Monthly Rate: $52
Regular Annual Rate: $624
Enrollment Fee: $30


Ages: 30+
Regular Monthly Rate: $64
Regular Annual Rate: $768
Enrollment Fee: $60

Individuals 65+ will get a $5 discount on their monthly dues automatically.


Regular Monthly Rate: $96
Regular Annual Rate: $1,152
Enrollment Fee: $60

Family/Household Package

Regular Monthly Rate: $120
Regular Annual Rate: $1,440
Enrollment Fee: $60

Childcare families will get a discount on their dues.

Child Care Family Package

Regular Monthly Rate: $88
Regular Annual Rate: $1,056
Enrollment Fee: $0

Virtual Plus

Regular Monthly Rate: $15
Enrollment Fee: $0

*A Family/Household Membership includes up to two adults aged 26 or older and any dependents 25 and under that live in the same household. All individuals must live at the same address (may require proof of residence with membership application). Household memberships are limited to two individuals 26 and up.
*Package memberships include the use of PlayTown, our short-term child care service, for up to two hours per day. Learn more on our PlayTown page.
*A 3% service fee will be added to your monthly bank draft when paying with a credit or debit card.

All system credits issued to members will expire six months from the date of issue. Members will receive a notification one month prior to the expiration of their credits.


Financial Assistance


Members may sign up at the Fercho or Schlossman Member Services Desk. 

Memberships at the YMCA do not require a contract. Memberships are paid monthly or annually and may be paid on either a credit/debit card or monthly bank draft. If signing up using a bank draft, members may choose to draft the 1st each month. If signing up online, on your first visit to the YMCA, our Member Service Staff will be happy to assist you in getting your new membership card, taking a picture for your account, and giving you a tour! No appointment is necessary.